We live in a world that constantly tells us that we need more. More stuff, more success, more followers, more… everything. But what if we shifted our focus this coming year? What if we chose less? Less stress, less distractions, and less comparing ourselves to others. This idea, known as ‘less is more’ and actually very ‘ lagom ’, is not only a minimalist lifestyle trend, but also a clear path to greater happiness. Let’s explore together how we can achieve this.
💛 Want to get started right away? Then click through to Happlify's brand new Less is More 10-Day Challenge !
Tip 1 - Less social media, more real connections
One of the biggest distractions in our daily lives is social media. Spending hours scrolling through Instagram or TikTok can sometimes feel like a relaxing experience, but in reality, it often feeds a constant sense of anxiety and comparison. As discussed in this video , the impact of social media on our mental well-being is enormous. By spending less time on these platforms, you make room for real connections and moments of peace.
An easy first step is to set daily time limits on your apps. Or, even better, schedule regular digital detoxes. Not only will this give you more time, it will also help you get back to living in the moment.
Tip 2 - Compare less, be more yourself
It’s human nature to compare ourselves to others, but social media reinforces this tendency in an unhealthy way. Whether it’s someone else’s perfect interior, fit body or exciting travels, we often forget that what we see is only a small part of the story.
A nice exercise for the new year is to ask yourself more often: what makes me happy? Which values and goals suit me? It is not about perfection, but about getting to know and appreciate yourself better.
Tip 3 - Less stuff, more meaning
The idea of less doesn’t just apply to social media, it also applies to your physical environment. Do you really need all that stuff? A tidy house makes for a tidy mind. By choosing more consciously what you bring into your home, you give more value to what you already have. Go through your stuff and donate what you no longer use. It feels liberating and makes room for what is really important. Buy sustainably and consciously from beautiful brands and great Happlify Crew stores . Leave Temu, Shein and Primak alone forever...
Tip 4 - Less busyness, more balance
A full schedule can feel like a sign of success, but it often comes at the expense of our peace. This year, you can try saying "no" more often. Let go of the hustle and bustle and consciously choose moments of peace. That could be a walk in nature , reading a good book or just doing nothing at all.

💛 Free Challenge: Choose Happiness with Less
The new year is the time to choose less. The brand new Less is More 10-Day Challenge will immediately provide you with less noise, less stress and fewer expectations. Give yourself the chance to discover how beautiful simplicity can be. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be yourself. Choose less and make room for more peace, more happiness and more you. Sign up for the challenge and the Happlify newsletter for free below and get started right away.
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