The new year is just around the corner, and that means a fresh start! After a December full of coziness (and maybe a little too much food and hustle), January is the perfect time to take stock and think about yourself. How can you ensure that you feel more energetic, happier and more balanced in the coming year? Good news: it doesn't have to be difficult at all! In this article, we share five simple but effective tips to start the new year well and feel good about yourself. Take the first step towards a bright new year - because this is your year!
1 - Take your me-time
Life is busy enough. With full schedules, we sometimes seem to run past ourselves. You can prevent this by taking enough me-time: time that you spend with no one else but yourself. These are ideal moments to recharge. For example, you can do an extensive skincare routine in the shower. With vitamin C skin taking care of it is recommended, because it naturally supports your skin. For example, you can use a serum or cream with vitamin C, to reduce fine lines, pigment spots, acne scars and other impurities. Do not only take care of your skin, but also your hair and nails. Do you feel like going out? Then go for a walk. Or go shopping. But an evening doing nothing on the couch is also wonderful.
Also read 👉 How me-timing helps you banish the dark clouds: 5 tips for self-care

2 - Get enough rest
Resting is essential. Easier said than done of course, especially when you are really busy. Then it is sometimes necessary to cancel appointments. Regularly keep an evening free, on which you go and lounge. Watch your favorite series or movie, or read a book. You can go to bed nice and early, to rest already. That is a good reset!
3 - Get moving
Exercise can help you feel better about yourself. So try to exercise for half an hour or longer every day. Sometimes you can do a workout, other times you can choose to go for a walk or a bike ride. It all counts! At such moments you get out of your head, which provides relaxation.
Also read 👉 How to make exercise more fun? 9 tips!

4 - Take care of your skin
Taking better care of your skin is always a good idea. Build a good skincare routine, with quality care products. With certain products you can tackle specific blemishes. For example, use vitamin spot to tackle pigment spots. These spots can arise for various reasons, such as excessive exposure to the sun. Taking care of your skin can increase your self-confidence. It is important to take a moment every day to do so.
5 - Do what you like
Last but not least: do what you like in life. If you feel like you are being lived, it makes you unhappy. What do you like to invest time in, in terms of work, hobbies and passions? Dare to consciously take steps in this, no matter how exciting you find it. When you look back on it later, you will only be happy!
Hopefully these tips will help you feel better in your skin quickly. Have you been feeling bad for a long time? Or are there major events in your life that are bothering you? Then it is wise to visit your GP for additional support.
Image: Jasmin Ne - Unsplash
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