Rain, most people hate it, and let's be honest, it's rarely at the top of everyone's favorites list. But I (Mariko) secretly love rain and storms, especially when I'm just sitting inside dry and don't have to go anywhere of course. Symbolically, I like to see the refreshing change that rain brings as a kind of cleansing of all excess. And one of my favorite things to do is to be happy barefoot in the pouring rain after a sticky hot summer day. That (dancing in the rain) doesn't happen very often, in case you're wondering. Fortunately, being happy.
In this article some fun things that have to do with rain. Especially for you if you're fed up with the rain again.
In the summer the rain also gives a special smell after days of drought and that has a name: Petrichor, I wrote about it here before: A Magical Summer. How?! And you can read much more about the petrichor phenomenon on the Loveforrain blog. On Etsy you will find many jars, oils and candles that seem to smell like this, such as this Petrichor candle from Valiant Candle with nice reviews.
Blue rain
Rain is also easy to grow and is also called Wisteria (remember Wisteria Lane? Let us know in the comments). Wisteria is a winter-hardy, fairly strong-growing climbing plant. You can order plants and seeds everywhere, such as here at Finns Forest Shop .
After rain comes
Exactly, after rain comes sunshine! No matter how heavy the storm is and the clouds are pitch black... it is always different. And Studio Zwaanstraat has illustrated this very beautifully. You can order the card for only €1.95 and cheer someone up. Or frame it, because it is certainly that nice!
If it rains often and a lot, make sure you have the right clothing. In Norway, the Norwegian who toured us once said: "There's no such thing as bad weather. Only bad clothing". And that's what they think at Happlify Crew Member Loveforrain , because there you will find the nicest rainwear ever. From colored rain suits to a handy rain cape and stylish umbrella, this is the place to be: Loveforrain .
I'm only happy…
This song is one from the old days, but remains wonderful on a drizzly autumn day. Make another nice cup of coffee, grab a stack of cookies and turn on Garbage. The rain doesn't go away just because you want it to, so we'll just make something of it!

The author: Mariko Naber
Branding expert and online entrepreneur Mariko is the happy brain behind Happlify. Together with partner Mark, she runs Happlify, Sell your stuff online and branding agency Loaded ink BNO . She loves feel good, random acts of kindness, meatballs, chocolate mousse, family time, sea, piña colada, sugar & spice and everything nice.
Image: Unsplash
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