Are you feeling unwell and would you like to snuggle up under a warm blanket? Then Italian cuisine has just what you need: pastina! This comforting soup is not called the "Italian penicillin" for nothing. For generations, Italian mothers and grandmothers have been making this healing meal for their loved ones who are feeling ill. It is more than just a soup - it is a warm hug in a bowl that makes you feel better immediately. The great thing is that you can easily make this soup yourself if you are not feeling well. We are happy to share Caterina Cosentino's family recipe: a delicious mix of chicken stock, fresh vegetables, small star pasta and Parmesan cheese. Also very tasty if you are not sick!
Pastina is the dish you make in Italy for someone with a cold or flu. Just like chicken soup here, but secretly much tastier. So tasty, that it definitely gets the label comfort food. Many Italians grew up with this, including Caterina Cosentino : "When mom or nonna made this for us, I swear we felt better within a day."
Below is a delicious (and not difficult) recipe, based on Caterina's, for when you're not feeling well. It's also a super nice dish to surprise someone with.
About 4 servings
- 1 jar of chicken stock (for example AH Chicken Stock, 340 ml )
- 1 liter of water
- 1 knob of butter
- 3 stalks of celery, diced
- 2 carrots, peeled and diced
- 1 clove garlic, peeled and whole
- 1 whole onion
- 1 beaten egg
- pinch of pepper
- 200 grams of pastina (minster pasta), orzo or letter vermicelli
- 50 grams of grated Parmesan cheese (30 grams of which is for the soup)
This is pastina: tiny little star pasta. You often find this type of pasta in Turkish or Polish supermarkets. But actually any small type of pasta works, such as (letter) vermicelli and even macaroni.
Preparation method
- Combine water and chicken stock in a large pot . Add all the vegetables and bring to a boil over medium heat.
- Once it boils, reduce the heat to medium, cover partially, and let it simmer for 30 minutes.
- After 30 minutes, turn off the heat and puree the mixture with a hand blender.
- Then add the pasta to the broth. Cook the pasta for at least 9 minutes
- Stir occasionally and then taste after about 9 minutes to see if the pasta is cooked. Once the pasta is cooked, turn off the heat and drop in the egg. Stir like crazy to break the egg until you see little strands of egg in your soup.
- Then add the butter and a few generous handfuls of grated cheese.
- Serve with some cheese sprinkled on top and freshly ground black pepper. Enjoy!
💬 Tell me, are you going to try this recipe too?

The author: Mariko Naber
Branding expert and online entrepreneur Mariko is the happy brain behind Happlify. Together with partner Mark she runs Happlify, Sell your stuff online and branding agency Loaded ink BNO . She loves feel good, random acts of kindness, meatballs, chocolate mousse, family time, sea, piña colada, sugar & spice and everything nice.
Source: Garden Dinner and Caterina Cosentino
Image: @thecookingmawma
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Ha Gerda, dat klopt, het recept op Happlify is mijn eigen recept. Je kunt Pastina op heel veel manieren maken, Google maar eens. De post van Instagram staat erbij zodat je een beetje kunt zien hoe je de soep maakt :) Als jij ’m maakt, pas je de soep misschien ook wel een beetje aan naar jouw eigen smaak. Veel plezier en succes met maken!
Is toch niet heetzelfde als die op Instagram, want daar staat bij de ingrdiënten géén ei. Ook geen roomboter. En optioneel ook 1 el kippenbouillon. En toch anders klaargemaakt > Kook je favoriete pasta en giet het bouillonmengsel erover. En de groenten 45 minuten koken. Waarom hebben jullie dit recept Niet letterlijk overgenomen van Instagram?
Hi Iris en Murielle, ik heb na de reactie van Iris het ei er snel bijgezet 😬 Thanks Iris! 💛
Iris, in de ingrediënten staat ook ei hoor, een geklutst ei !!!
In de ingrediënten staat geen ei, maar in het recept wel???
This way you are kinder to yourself
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