We all know it: you think summer is over, you take your autumn coat out of the closet and bam, suddenly there is another wonderful week with sun and high temperatures. It almost feels like a gift. That is what we call Indian summer. But what exactly is it, why is it called that and how do you get the most out of it? Here you can read all about this wonderful summer bonus.
What exactly is Indian summer?
An Indian summer is a period of warm, dry weather in the autumn, usually around September or October. It mainly occurs in the temperate climates of Europe and North America. It is actually the perfect end to summer; just when you have prepared yourself for autumn, you can enjoy summer temperatures for a while.
Usually an Indian summer occurs after the first cold of autumn has already passed. This makes it extra special, because everyone is already a bit in autumn mode, and then suddenly… summer! It is time to put on your slippers again and get some more vitamin D.

Why do we call it an Indian summer?
The origin of the term Indian summer is not entirely clear, but there are a few interesting theories. One of the most accepted ideas is that the word originated in North America, where the original inhabitants, the Indians, used this time of year to quickly stock up on supplies for the winter. The warm weather made it easier to travel and hunt.
Another theory is that the warm, orangey glow of the autumn sun is reminiscent of the colours associated with traditional Native American art and clothing. While it is not entirely certain where the term originated, it does seem to fit perfectly with that magical, almost unexpectedly warm autumn feeling.
What can you do during an Indian summer?
The big question is of course: how do you make the most of such a beautiful Indian summer? Here are a few tips to fully embrace those unexpected summer days.
1 - Enjoy the outdoors
This is the chance to enjoy outdoor activities one last time before the cold days really hit. Grab your bike for a nice ride, take a long walk or enjoy a cup of Pumpkin spice coffee in the sun on a terrace.
2 - Organize an impromptu BBQ
Did you actually say goodbye to the BBQ for this year? Wrong! Get it out of the shed, invite some friends and enjoy an unexpected BBQ in your garden or park. It is also a nice way to end the summer in a cozy way.
3 - Go on a mini vacation
If possible, a short road trip or weekend away is ideal during an Indian summer . Think of a cozy stay on the coast or a cozy bed & breakfast in the countryside. There is nothing better than unexpectedly being able to relax for a few days in the sun.
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4 - Do some extra gardening
An Indian summer is also a great time to do something in your garden or on your balcony. Plant some autumn flowers, tidy up your garden or harvest the last vegetables from your kitchen garden. The warm weather makes gardening a lot more pleasant.
5 - Take a seat on a terrace
Instead of sitting on the couch at home, take advantage of those sunny days by going to your favorite terrace. Leave those autumn drinks alone and enjoy a summer cocktail once more.
Indian summer: a gift for your mood
The nice thing about an Indian summer is that it feels like an extra, an unexpected pleasure. Just when you have already said goodbye to summer, you still get a few sunny days to enjoy. It really does something for your mood and gives you a little energy boost to get through the winter months.

So, when the mercury rises in October, you know what to do: enjoy that bonus summer and make the most of it. Put on that summer dress one more time, put on your sunglasses and make the most of the sun!
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