There are two types of people, people with good intentions and people who 'don't do it'. But one way or another, good intentions always come up for discussion with a new year. Especially after a year like 2021, it is not such a bad idea to introduce a few simple good habits.
TIP : Don't make it too difficult for yourself, the circumstances are already a bit less easy than normal. That's why here is a list of 20 potential New Year's resolutions, some of which you can pick up for a great 2022.
1 - Drink more water - Because it is very easy and healthy! Also read 5 smart tips to drink more water
2 - Try something new every month - That could be bungee jumping, learning to surf, but also a new flavor of beer or a different hair color... Also read Finding magic outside your comfort zone - 10 tips
3 - Ensure balance in your digital life - Do the Happlify Digital Detox this year and you will be covered for a whole year with help and great tips
4 - Support local shops and restaurants - There you often find, just like in the smaller web shops , the most beautiful treasures! And partly through your purchase, you maintain that beauty and not everything becomes one and the same
5 - Choose a healthier lifestyle - That doesn't have to be difficult either!! Just providing a lot more energy is also a lot of fun, read here: 3 Simple tips to start your day with great energy
6 - Go for those 10,000 footsteps - Or at least for more footsteps. Get some fresh air more often in between. Take your bike or walk if you don't have to go far somewhere, that makes a big difference on a daily basis
7 - Start a capsule wardrobe - What is a capsule wardrobe? A capsule wardrobe is a selection of your most favorite and essential pieces of clothing that will last a season. Officially, a capsule wardrobe consists of 37 items that hang in your closet for 3 months.
8 - Start with your happiness manual - This is very easy with Happlify your life - €20
9 - Send real birthday cards - You can find beautiful cards here , among others
10 - Tidy up your house thoroughly - A tidy house ensures a tidy mind. Do you like to look ahead? Then read:Make your house spring-proof in 5 steps
11 - Make photo books - Start easily with a sweet little book like this one from Hema - €3.50
12 - Hang nice memories - Nothing is as nice as photos of beautiful memories and lovely people around you. Use a nice changing rack like this one from Fonq
13 - Keep in touch - Speaking of nice people, keep those people close with contact. You don't have to show up on your doorstep every week, but a small message, card or occasional phone call can't hurt to stay in each other's world.
14 - Start a new hobby - How about polka dots? You can easily learn this online at Stipstijl (recommended).
15 - Cook at least one new dish every week - This is super easy with Hello Fresh, highly recommended if you want to discover new meals every week! Greek salad with chicken thigh is one of my favorite Hello Fresh recipes.
16 - Read more books - You can discover new, fun books here
17 - Drink less alcohol - This is a good resolution for so many reasons.
18 - Always take the stairs - In addition to an escalator you will often find 'real stairs' and an elevator often also has such a thing. Resolve to always choose the tiring option and voila!
19 - Invest in a good sports outfit - Because that motivates BIG time, I can assure you. Also look here for sports & yoga tips .
20 - Start keeping plants - Trust me, once you start paying attention, you won't be able to stop. In addition, plants provide more oxygen in the home. Start small with a nice plant from Bloompost, for example! This is Stippie (€21.95)
And? There must be something in between, right?
Nice blog posts
Fancy some inspiration for the time to come? Here are a few more nice blog posts and links collected for you:- Something about good intentions and moving more without noticing
- Save your memories and plan your wishes for the new year with the Time Capsule
- Your winter bucket list download
- Why a little less social media won't hurt at all...
🥂 Tell me, what are your good intentions?

The author: Mariko Naber
Branding expert and online entrepreneur Mariko is the happy brain behind Happlify. Together with partner Mark, she runs Happlify, Sell your stuff online and branding agency Loaded ink BNO . She loves feel good, random acts of kindness, meatballs, chocolate mousse, family time, sea, piña colada, sugar & spice and everything nice.
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