Did you know that on average you spend about 50% of your time at work during the week? At least, of the time you don't spend sleeping. Enjoying eternal holidays may be a bit difficult if you prefer to eat something other than dry bread. It is therefore important to make your time at work a really enjoyable time. How do you increase your job satisfaction? Because May 15 is Workplace Enjoyment Day, we thought it would be a good time for 7 tips. This way you make your work (even) more fun.
Tip 1 - Eat that frog first
So don't postpone that annoying administration until the very end . Don't wait to answer that complicated email, but make it the top priority on your to-do list.
Tip 2 - Make your lunch a party

And in general: take a lunch break. Don't eat your sandwiches quickly at your computer, but make it a nice moment of rest. Breaks were invented for a reason; they help you gain energy and have peace of mind.
Treat yourself to something extra tasty regularly during your lunch. For example, take special toppings with you to work, treat yourself to yesterday's leftovers from dinner or buy that expensive bowl of fresh mango from Appie To Go every now and then. With this Monbento box Bloom the party is complete. Available at Roppongi - €43.95 . Then you have something fun and delicious to look forward to all morning.
A lunch walk is also a nice option. Fresh air is good for a person and often also provides creative ideas, so you can work with new energy after the break.
Tip 3 - Indicate your limits

No matter how much fun your job is, it is not exactly good for your job satisfaction if your agenda is bursting at the seams with the amount of work. Stress makes few things more enjoyable and your work is no exception.
Therefore, indicate your limits in time. Go to your manager if the work is overwhelming you . Or say 'no' when, as an entrepreneur, you are given more assignments than you have time for. And don't feel bad if you outsource something to a colleague. Realize that your work will only get better if you can take the time and have the peace of mind to focus on it stress-free.
Reading tip: the book 'Never Too Busy Again' by Tony Crabbe - €21.99 was a real eye-opener for me. It taught me that being busy is not so much a given, but rather a mentality that you can choose (or not) yourself.
A nice planner also does wonders for good planning. This colorful work planner from Paper Time will cheer you up immediately.
Tip 4 - Pat yourself on the back
You may be blessed with a complimentary boss ( lucky you! ), but it may also be that your manager is less generous with compliments. In that case, realize that you will have to give your own pats on the back. Don't mindlessly go from one task to another, but during difficult tasks or exciting presentations, take a moment to reflect on how well you did. Be appropriately proud. If you celebrate your successes – even the little ones – your work will automatically become a lot more fun.
Tip 5 - Sprinkle compliments on others as well
As happy as a pat on the back makes you, others will also be happy when they receive a sincere compliment. So be sure to share compliments with others.
Speak up if your colleague has done something well , comes up with a great idea or if you simply think her dress today is perfect. She's happy, you're happy.
Tip 6 - Provide a pleasant workplace
You don't have to be a scientist to realize that a desk between four gray brick walls without windows does not promote your enjoyment and creativity. Of course, you can't just work in a completely different office if your boss has assigned you a specific office space. But you can look at the possibilities to spruce up your workplace .
Is there by any chance a desk somewhere else next to the window? Can you sit in the canteen if it works more pleasantly there? Or you can brighten up your workplace with plants, photo frames or other accessories. This of course also applies to home workers. Hang up a nice garland, put up a cheerful clock and invest in notebooks that are a lot more colorful than the standard ones with boring black covers.
How about this nice plant table set , for example, on which you can place two cozy mini plants?
💡 Also read: The most inspiring home workplace in 10 steps
Tip 7 - Take the initiative yourself
Now it may of course be the case that you are not quite in the right place at work. Whether this is due to colleagues, your manager or your tasks – it is certainly annoying. In that case, know that you can take action yourself to increase your job satisfaction.
For example, let your manager know if you find your work insufficiently challenging and would like additional tasks. Look for a fun course you can take. Sound the alarm if your agenda is too full. And if you really don't like where you are, consider scouring a job board for something more fun. Know that you are not stuck where you are, no matter how indispensable you feel.
You decide your own happiness and you can sense better than anyone else whether you find it here or rather somewhere else.
💛 Tell me, what is your ultimate tip to enjoy your work more?
Let me know below! I'm very curious.

The author: Romy Veul
Copywriter, language fanatic, crazy about color and cheerful as often as possible. That's who Romy Veul is in a nutshell. On her blog More often Cheerful she takes you into her positive imaginations. Always with a modest dose of humor and nice colorful photos. Romy's blog posts >
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