Part 1, a handy introduction and the first 3 tips can be found here: First class tips for the best staycation ever - part 1 . In this article - part 2 - you will get tips 4 to 8 and then you too will be ready for a wonderful staycation. Because... there is a chance that everyone's beloved trip abroad will be cancelled. But don't worry: with these tips you can make the most of your summer holiday abroad at home!
In Part 1 we made a plan and budget and these were the first three tips:
- Tip 1 - Hotel breakfast buffet
- Tip 2 - Hire someone to do your chores
- Tip 3 - Make your bed super luxurious
Tip 4 - Eating out at home
Set the table beautifully, light a candle, open a good bottle of wine and order a (five-course) dinner from one of your favorite restaurants. Eating out at home (and supporting the local catering industry during this time) has never been easier.
Tip 5 - Turn your backyard into a resort
The weather is not the most predictable factor in Dutch summers, but we have already experienced many heat waves. Great reason to turn your garden into a resort. Set up a big pool, stock up on cocktails and spread out on a lounger. Add some beach sounds and before you know it you'll feel like you're in Spain. Do you not have a garden but a balcony? A bowl of water to dip your toes in works wonders!
Bonus: Set up a tent in your backyard or on your balcony and make one slumber party by!
Tip 6 - Online wine or beer tasting
If you are a wine or beer lover, then this is a great one staycation activity. Various wine specialists and beer brewers organize online tastings. You order everything you need for the tasting from them (read: the drinks and accompanying snacks to be tasted) and on an agreed date and time you go through a live stream samples. You will receive all the extra information that you would also receive during a real-life tasting.
Tip 7 - Garden cinema
With a white sheet and a projector you can build a cinema in the garden in no time. Make some fresh popcorn, hang cozy lights and choose the ultimate sultry summer evening to watch your favorite movie in your own garden.
Tip 8 - Make a photo album of your favorite holiday
I have been planning for years to make beautiful photo albums of my favorite holidays (ours). road trip through the USA in 2014 and our honeymoon through Scotland in 2018, for example), but it never happens. What's more fun than reminiscing on a rainy day while putting together a great photo album from your previous vacations? So in the first image in this blog post you see one of my favorite views from California; the Santa Cruz board walk .
What is your favorite home activity?
I could go on and on coming up with ideas for the ultimate one staycation , but I'm sure you have good plans too! What is your favorite home activity? Leave your ideas in the comments !
Read: First class tips for the best staycation ever - part 1 👉 HERE

The author: Vera Bertens
Vera Bertens is the creative heart and brain behind it Franje Design, which she founded in 2009. In addition to her wonderful world full of sweet and funny creatures, she also illustrates and designs on commission from her studio in Tilburg. We love her work and invite you to discover this Dutch gem for yourself. Vera's blog posts >
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