As spring approaches, I often think about babies and birth. That's strange because relatively speaking, not that many babies are born in the spring. Perhaps that association is that nature wakes up again and is, as it were, 'born' again or... because our mini at primary school always has the Week of Spring Briebels (21 to 25 March) in March. Let that actually just be sex education.
Anyway, this post is about baby happiness in the spring because... there are a lot of fun benefits to having a baby in the spring months!
Most babies are born in the fall
First things first. It could very well be that your due date is sometime in early fall because... most babies are conceived when it is cold. Fertility doctor Nicolette Vermeulen says about this in the RTL news: 'In the winter, when it is cold, people have more sex. There won't be anything more to it than that.' Most people worldwide are born on September 16.
Not heavily pregnant in a heat wave
Help, pregnant and now ? Do you find it exciting and are you afraid of all the pregnancy ailments that those around you are now bothering you with? Logical because it is exciting, but don't let it fool you and remember that you are not heavily pregnant in high summer - if you are having a spring baby. That means you don't have to sit in the blazing sun like a boiled egg with your big belly.

In any case, don't listen to all the well-intentioned advice around you. This countdown calendar from O'baby is nice, with a practical tip or a fun fact about your pregnancy every day. For example, do you notice that your child is quiet at night and busier during the day? In week 28, your baby already has a real day-night rhythm due to the hormone melatonin. Very useful for when your baby is born. A super nice gift to give or receive. Available at Zilverdraakje - €13.50
Spring babies are cheerful
Research has shown that spring babies are generally much happier than other babies. It is even stated that the risk of depression is smaller in spring-born people. What a great idea that is!
Spring babies have stronger health
Research shows that babies conceived in the summer are less likely to have premature births. The weight is also higher than that of babies conceived in a different season. These two benefits ensure stronger health.
Always a birthday in the spring sun
Not having a birthday just between Sinterklaas and Christmas is very relaxing. That's already a reason to be a happy baby. But how wonderful is it when the spring sun almost always shines when you blow out the candles on your cake?! A party in the garden among the spring flowers or... on the beach where no one has to sit in a circle. Cozy!
Contains sponsored links | photos: Krzysztof Niewolny , Filip Mroz , Matt Howard
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